SSL in WordPress

How to Install a Free SSL in WordPress Using Let’s Encrypt?

SSL in WordPress
Are you looking for ways to install an SSl in WordPress for free while ensuring your site’s security remains intact?

Keeping your website safe is very important in today’s digital world. An essential aspect of website security revolves around getting an SSL certificate, where SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. 

It’s imperative to secure your WordPress website with SSL due to its ability to encrypt data transfer, safeguard user information, and enhance SEO rankings.

You can buy SSL certificates, but they can be expensive. Fortunately, Let’s Encrypt offers a free, easy way to get a cheap SSL certificate in WordPress. This blog explains how to set it up effortlessly.

In today’s online world, website security is paramount. An SSL certificate provides a secure HTTPS connection, preventing hackers from intercepting sensitive data like passwords or payment details. It also signals trustworthiness to visitors. 

While you can buy SSL certificates, the costs add up yearly, especially for small businesses. Let’s Encrypt is a free, open and automated option to get SSL in WordPress without buying an expensive web security certificate.

How Does SSL Encryption Work?

SSL encryption is like a secret code that protects information shared between your computer and websites. It works kind of like writing a message in invisible ink. 

When you visit a website with an SSL certificate, your computer and the website start talking in a special language only they understand. This language is very hard for hackers to decode because it uses extremely complex math problems.

First, your computer and the website agree on a secret code word or “key” to use. This key is like invisible ink. Then, any information you send, like passwords or credit card numbers, gets scrambled up using the secret key before sending. 

The scrambled data looks like total gibberish to anyone trying to snoop. Only the website has the key to unscramble and read the actual message.

It is like putting your message in a locked box which can only be opened by the recipient’s website with a key. Even if a hacker steals the locked box, he cannot read the message as he does not have the secret key. 

Furthermore, every time you visit the said website, your computer and the website create a brand-new secret key to use. In this manner, hackers can never reuse an old key.

SSL also verifies the website’s identity to prevent you from visiting fake sites. It is akin to asking for ID to prove that you are talking to a real website and not a fake one. With the proper ID and secret key exchange, SSL encryption creates a secure private conversation that hackers can’t listen to or tamper with. That’s why websites with SSL are so much safer for sharing sensitive information online.

Steps to Install a Free SSL in WordPress Website

Securing your WordPress website with a free SSL certificate is a fundamental step towards enhancing its security and ensuring the safety of user data. In this guide, we’ll discuss the steps to install a free SSL certificate on your WordPress website effortlessly. Let’s get started-

  • Backup Your WordPress Site
Before starting the SSL in WordPress installation process, it’s essential to create a complete backup of your WordPress files and database. 

This preventive measure confirms that you have the data with you in case anything goes wrong during the installation. This allows you to revert to the previous state without losing any data or configurations.

  • Install Really Simple SSL Plugin
Login to your WordPress admin area and navigate to the Plugins section. Here, you’ll want to install the free Really Simple SSL plugin, which streamlines the SSL setup process without the need for manual code modifications.

  • Configure Plugin Settings
Once the plugin is successfully activated, navigate to the Settings > SSL section within your WordPress admin dashboard. The Really Simple SSL plugin intelligently detects your existing settings, allowing you to review and configure them as needed.

Be sure to check the appropriate boxes, such as enabling SSL, enabling HTTPS redirection, and updating URLs to reflect the new secure protocol.

  • Update Links and Resources
To ensure a seamless transition to SSL, it’s crucial to update all existing links, JavaScript files, and CSS resources from HTTP to HTTPS. 

The Really Simple SSL plugin includes a handy mixed content fixer that automates this process, saving you from the tedious task of manually updating each resource.

  • Check SSL Status
After completing the initial setup, it’s recommended to run the SSL server test provided by the Really Simple SSL plugin. 

This diagnostic tool checks if the SSL configuration is working properly across your entire website, flagging any remaining insecure links or resources that may require manual intervention.

Regular Basic Checks After SSL Installation

After installing SSL in WordPress website, it’s crucial to conduct regular basic checks to ensure that your security measures remain effective and your website continues to run smoothly.

  • Keep SSL Up-to-Date
It is vital to note that Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates are valid for a period of 90 days. Fortunately, the simple plugin can take care of this by automatically renewing your cheap SSL certificate before it expires. This ensures seamless SSL continuity without any interruptions and manual interventions.

  • Consider a Content Delivery Network (CDN)
While not compulsory, you can further enhance the performance and website security of your SSL-enabled WordPress website by integrating a Content Delivery Network (CDN). A CDN caches and serves your website content from multiple geographic locations. This reduces latency and improves load times for visitors worldwide.

  • Monitor SSL Status and Website Security Logs
Even after you have successfully implemented SSL encryption, it’s essential to remain vigilant and monitor your website’s security logs regularly. This proactive approach helps you to quickly identify and address any probable security breaches or vulnerabilities, minimizing the risk of data compromise.


Finally, getting an SSL in WordPress has not remained complicated or expensive, especially for WordPress sites. Thanks to Let’s Encrypt’s free SSL service and the Really Simple SSL plugin, securing your website is easy. Just follow the simple steps – backup, install a plugin, configure settings, update links, test SSL status and automate renewals. Within minutes, you have robust website security with a valid SSL certificate giving visitors the confidence to browse safely. No need to buy an overpriced SSL certificate when fantastic free options like Let’s Encrypt exist!

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